Watch Mr. Blot in Space (1988) : Full Movie Online Free It's Christmas, and children at an orphanage in Maliszewo receive a computer that was given to them by another orphan who used to live there many years ago. During the night, the computer awakes itself and tells the children a story that will happen in 25 years...
Company:Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych we Wrocławiu, Slovenská filmová tvorba, Studio Filmowe Zodiak
Piotr Fronczewski, Henryk Bista, Jan Jankowski, Emilian Kamiński, Maryla Rodowicz, Bohdan Smoleń, Ján Mildner, Mieczysław Gajda, Irena Kwiatkowska, Henryk Talar, Monika Sapilak