Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse 1991

Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse

HD 7.9 96 minutes 374 3.53
Watch Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) : Full Movie Online Free A chronicle of the production problems — including bad weather, actors' health, war near the filming locations, and more — which plagued the filming of Apocalypse Now, increasing costs and nearly destroying the life and career of Francis Ford Coppola.
Released: Nov 27, 1991
Company: American Zoetrope, Zaloom Mayfield Productions
Stars: Francis Ford Coppola, Eleanor Coppola, John Milius, George Lucas, Sam Bottoms, Albert Hall, Frederic Forrest, Laurence Fishburne, Dean Tavoularis, Fred Roos, Martin Sheen

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